Erik van Lieshout

Rotterdam Zuid - Home
Softcover, 263 pages
Publisher: Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art Rotterdam
ISBN: 978-94-91435-28-7
Dimensions: 17x24cm

The structure of the publication takes as a starting point, a bike tour organized by Witte de With Center for Contemporary in collaboration with ArchiGuides Rotterdam for which Van Lieshout was invited to select specific locations throughout the city that were relevant or meaningful in the production of his work. With this framework in mind, the publication opens with a mapping of the city where selected sites refer to the shooting location of one (or more) of the artist’s films.

Each essay is inspired by one of Van Lieshout’s film to give a perspective on the city and the role of the artist in society.



Erik van Lieshout: Rotterdam Zuid - Home
€ 25.00